Ryan 说他 有时很受不了他的老婆,有时明明上班就要迟到了,她的老婆还在房间里铺床叠被子。据说如果没有把床和被子叠好再去上班,可能会心神不宁。
而Kent 说,他以前的那个女朋友,如果做爱做到一半时,看见有衣服或内裤被丢在地上,会马上下床把内裤或衣服叠好再回到床上继续做。 大伙听了哇哈哈地笑了起来。。
好在我自己一个人住,我一个星期洗一次衣服,两三天才整理一下家里。偶尔煮完饭后不洗碗都没有人骂我。 邋遢还是洁癖也好, 谁也不会给谁逼疯的。
“Tadi lepas lampu merah. Macam mana awak boleh jalan?” 戴着墨镜的警察问.
“Ya ka? Tadi saya nampak lampu kuning saja. Kami urgent, jadi saya jalan,” 朋友解释.
我看见警察的袖子挂着一个徽章 " SAYA ANTI-RASUAH"
“Macam mana~~?? Mau settle sekarang ge tak nak...? " 警察问。片刻 警察又说"Bagi lah, bagi lah”
我的朋友尝试求情:“Aiya, encik ,tadi emmang lampu kuning saja, boleh tolong ke?”
“Bagi la, sekarang biznes tak baik. Bagi. Bagi. " 警察拿着罚单在朋友的眼前摇摆着。
我沉不住气:“Encik, Bukan Anti-Rasuah ke?”
我小小声地向朋友说:“I want to take his face and his badge name’s photo. He was asking for bribe when he’s a policeman! Hypocrite! “
朋友紧张地打不要的手势又说:“No..no..it would be more convenient and cheaper if I settle now....."
警察开始不耐烦了:"Jadi saman la~~” 开始在记录簿上写了起来。
"Encik jadi kena bayar berapa?" 朋友赶紧问。
警察不耐烦地回答:"Awak tengok surat khabar la."
“WHAT? He didn’t know the rate?“ 我怀疑地问我朋友
我再次问我的朋友:"Just now I didn’t see the traffic light.. really yellow already?"
“Yes.. yellow light already."朋友肯定地回答。
虽然朋友没有冲红灯,但是肯定逃不过被“屈“了; 钱一定会给但是不能这样给。"then you should not give the bribe" 我尝试劝朋友拿罚单不要让警察 “吃钱”。
“I really hate government staff who are corrupted. But it is certainly easier and cheaper for you if the police accepted the bribe even after my ‘bad-mouth’. The police will also happy - he gets pocket money if he accepts the bribe but he gets nothing from writing a saman except maybe good performance record. Maybe the government should introduce commission rate for traffic police haha." 我带着嘲笑的语气说,因为朋友差一点就要给警察“kopi " 钱,这是很不好的习惯。
“Actually if there is no offender and no corruption, this wouldn’t happen. But our salaries (civilians & police) are not increasing as much as other living expenses like food, petrol, etc....The police claimed the salary given by the government is not enough. What’s the true story? There are so many corrupted police (and equally corrupted civilians) - so why should they be given high salary? And how do the government/higher level determine which police is corrupted or not?" 朋友愤愤不平地抱怨着。
我有点不好意思,朋友原本打算给钱警察了事的,因为我的bad-mouth 朋友被逼拿罚单了。所以我向朋友说, "I pay half la."